54 research outputs found

    A Component Framework for Java-based Real-time Embedded Systems

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    Rank (CORE): A.International audienceThe Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) is becoming a popular choice in the world of real-time and embedded programming. However, RTSJ introduces many non-intuitive rules and restrictions which prevent its wide adoption. Moreover, current state-of-the-art frameworks usually fail to alleviate the development process into higher layers of the software development life-cycle. In this paper we extend our philosophy that RTSJ concepts need to be considered at early stages of software development, postulated in our prior work, in a framework that provides continuum between the design and implementation process. A component model designed specially for RTSJ serves here as a cornerstone. As the first contribution of this work, we propose a development process where RTSJ concepts are manipulated independently from functional aspects. Second, we mitigate complexities of RTSJ-development by automatically generating execution infrastructure where real-time concerns are transparently managed. We thus allow developers to create systems for variously constrained real-time and embedded environments. Performed benchmarks show that the overhead of the framework is minimal in comparison to manually written object-oriented approach, while providing more extensive functionality. Finally, the framework is designed with the stress on dynamic adaptability of target systems, a property we envisage as a fundamental in an upcoming era of massively developed real-time systems

    Decentralised Evaluation of Temporal Patterns over Component-based Systems at Runtime

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    Long version of the paper accepted for FACS 2014 - The 11th International Symposium on Formal Aspects of Component SoftwareInternational audienceSelf-adaptation allows systems to modify their structure and/or their behaviour depending on the environment and the system itself. Since reconfigurations must not happen at any but in suitable circumstances, guiding and controlling dynamic reconfigurations at runtime is an important issue. This paper contributes to two essential topics of the self-adaptation---a runtime temporal properties evaluation, and a decentralization of control loopsSelf-adaptation allows systems to modify their structure and/or their behaviour depending on the environment and the system itself. Since reconfigurations must not happen at any but in suitable circumstances, guiding and controlling dynamic reconfigurations at runtime is an important issue. This paper contributes to two essential topics of the self-adaptation - a runtime temporal properties evaluation, and a decentralization of control loops. It extends the work on the adaptation of component-based systems at runtime via policies with temporal patterns by providing a) a specific progressive semantics of temporal patterns and b) a decentralised method which is suitable to deal with temporal patterns of component-based systems at runtime

    Adapting Component-based Systems at Runtime via Policies with Temporal Patterns

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    International audienceDynamic reconfiguration allows adding or removing components of component-based systems without incurring any system downtime. To satisfy specific requirements, adaptation policies provide the means to dynamically reconfigure the systems in relation to (events in) their environment. This paper extends event-based adaptation policies by integrating temporal requirements into them. The challenge is to reconfigure component-based systems at runtime while considering both their functional and non-functional requirements. We illustrate our theoretical contributions with an example of an autonomous vehicle location system. An implementation using the Fractal component model constitutes a practical contribution. It enables dynamic reconfigurations guided by either enforcement or reflection adaptation policies

    Position paper: Toward an holistic approach of Systems of Systems

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    International audienceLarge scale distributed systems have become ubiquitous, from on-line social networks to the Internet-of-things. To meet rising expectations (scalability, robustness, flexibility,...) these systems increasingly espouse complex distributed ar-chitectures, that are hard to design, deploy and maintain. To grasp this complexity, developers should be allowed to assemble large distributed systems from smaller parts using a seamless, high-level programming paradigm. We present such an assembly-based programming framework, enabling developers to easily define and realize complex distributed topologies as a construction of simpler blocks (e.g. rings, grids). It does so by harnessing the power of self-organizing overlays, that is made accessible to developers through a high-level Domain Specific Language and self-stabilizing run-time. Our evaluation further shows that our approach is generic, expressive, low-overhead and robust

    Reflective Observation of CORBA Applications

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    11th IASTED Intl Conf of Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS'99), Boston, USA, novembre 1999, 6 page


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    y Abstract This paper describes some reflective programming techniques to observe a distributed computation in a CORBA environment. First, we propose a new order relation to translate causal dependencies in a distributed program. We generalize Lamport's Happened before relation defined for message passing applications, to an object causal relation between distributed events in an environment with synchronous and asynchronous method calls, method synchronizations and variable sharings. Second, we propose a reflective approach to observe this relation. Finally, a tool is provided to display the causal dependencies graph of a distributed run

    JAC: un framework pour la programmation orientée aspects en Java

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